About Me

About me-

Hi! My name is Kris. I am a 57 year old woman who has found happiness in life- after turning 50 and having learned to manage a severe depression diagnosis. What Do I Have To Lose – is not a travel blog, though it is one of my favorite things to do! My goal with my writing is to take you along with me on my journeys and to provide perspectives.  No Regrets is a theme for me and sometimes I do things because -what do I have to lose?

Two life perspectives I offer-

Turning 50 and beyond, has been the best time of my life. I really did get the “I no longer care what others think” attitude when I turned 50. Taking risks and trying new things seemed like something to do. My 50th birthday present to myself was the Chicago Triathlon. 

  You can find a way to deal with mental health issues. I found a way to move on from the point where I was not interested in being here to write this. To doing things I never ever dreamed I would be willing to do. I have learned that there actually can be an amazing life out there. There is lots and lots of work but it can be accomplished. 

What Do I Have To Lose was a blog name that took me a long time to come up with. Figuring out how to set up this blog site….feels a bit more frustrating.